Monthly Report – August 2024

For the June 11, 2024 meeting the Minority Democratic legislators submitted a resolution (P/27) to repeal Local Law T-3. Surprisingly, it passed through the Rules Committee and made it to the floor of the Regular Meeting (P/287/24).

In December 2023 the Drug Dealer Registry Local Law T-3 was passed, unanimously by the Legislature.  After much public objection and research on the process, the Minority Democrats found fault with the law and its implementation and introduced legislation to repeal the law. The GOP legislators had met with the Rensselaer County District Attorney, Mary Pat Donnelly, and her staff, but the Minority Democrats were neither invited nor attended any meetings. The Minority Legislators discovered that the information provided to them by the law’s GOP sponsors was neither relevant nor factual. The same goes for the process.  The democrats also noted that there are issues with this law that opens it up to legal action, citing its conflict with the NYS Clean Slate Act, which was passed by the State Legislature in November.

At the June 2024 Public Forum and Regular Meeting, legislators heard from many residents supporting the resolution to repeal the Local Law T-3. Residents cited their concerns about the law being harmful, heightening barriers towards recovery, being ineffective, and failing our youth.  A significant concern from the public was that County residents were not properly informed of the creation of the Local Law T-3. The vote at the June Regular Meeting of the Legislature to repeal Local Law T-3 failed along party lines.

The Democratic Minority Legislators have, since the June 11th Regular Meeting, met with Rensselaer County District Attorney, Mary Pat Donnelly, and her staff. They are heartened to hear that she is committed to compassionate enforcement of the law, and that she is aware of its overreach. It is inconsistent with both Raise the Age and the NYS Clean Slate Act. The District Attorney’s office remains concerned about the harmful impacts to the recovery of individuals and the potential for legal action against the county from enforcement of this law.

 The Minority Democrats believe that this Local Law will be ineffective in dealing with the drug overdose devastation happening in our communities.  Furthermore, we believe that this Local Law is neither a practical or beneficial solution in addressing the larger picture on the war on drugs.

Minority Democrats acknowledge that the passing of this law was a mistake, and it must be repealed. Democracy is about the ability to right our wrongs and they continue to call on their GOP colleagues to join them in correcting this error by repealing Local Law T-3.


NEXT MEETINGTuesday, September 10, 2024 in the Rensselaer County Chambers located at 99 Troy Road, East Greenbush.

PUBLIC FORUM – Wednesday, September4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Residents are welcome to contact our office at 518 270-2890.    &    follow us on Facebook: “Rensselaer County Legislature – Democratic Team”