July 24 , 2019


 Troy Legislators Submit Amended Local Law for Waste Management Facilities along the Hudson River

 At last month’s legislative meeting a local law issuing a one year moratorium on waste management facilities along the Hudson River passed unanimously.

In light of the PFOA issues in the Hoosick Falls region, it seemed of utmost importance to amend the local law on establishing a 1 year moratorium on waste management facilities to include all of the Rensselaer County drinking sources, such as the Tomhannock Reservoir and its tributaries, as well as the Hudson River and its tributaries.

“The city of Troy has seven miles of river front. It is an incredible asset to our community and should never be the site for any kind of waste management facility. It should be a recreational green space that enhances the livability of our community”, said Minority Leader Peter Grimm.

“Our riverfront should be a healthy and environmentally friendly area all along the Hudson River as well as all tributaries flowing into it. Our residents deserve safe drinking water”, stated Legislator Carole Weaver, who serves on the Environment committee.


The amended Local Law is attached

Local Law Intro Moratorium on Solid Waste Management Facilities with amendments (3)ah