Monthly Report – September 2022

Health – In order to maintain in person learning and support prevention strategies and curtail the spread of Covid-19 at all Rensselaer County schools, the Legislature unanimously approved the purchase of 116 air purifiers, additional test kits and continue the funding for part time testing coordinators. This purchase is 100% grant funded.

Schools – As school safety continues to be a public concern to all, the Berlin and Brunswick Central School Districts, have signed a three-year inter-municipal agreement with the County’s Sheriff Department to have School Resource Officers present at their respective schools. These agreements are dependent on the approval of the school district budgets and will not impact the county fiscal budget.

Mental Health – The Legislature also unanimously approved a one-time financial award from the NYS Office of Addiction Services (OASAS) for prevention infrastructure, which will assist in the development of staff and provided equipment for the substance abuse prevention program in Rensselaer County schools.

Board of Elections (BOE) – At Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Rensselaer County Legislature, in response to the arrest of BOE Commissioner Jason Schofield, Legislator Mark Fleming spoke on behalf of his Democratic caucus and urged their Republican colleagues to join them in demanding that Jason Schofield do the right thing and step down immediately from his position as the Republican Board of Elections Commissioner.

The culture of corruption and on-going daily deception in Rensselaer County needs to end. At a time when democracy across our nation has become so fragile, now is the time to put politics aside and call upon our Republican colleagues of the Legislature to support us in demanding the resignation of Jason Schofield. The Republican Majority showed no interest in cooperation.


NEXT MEETINGTuesday, October 11, 2022 in the Rensselaer County Chambers located on the 3rd floor of the Ned Pattison Government Center, 1600 7th Avenue, Troy.

PUBLIC FORUM – Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

Residents are welcome to contact our office at 518 270-2890.    &    follow us on Facebook: “Rensselaer County Legislature – Democratic Team”