March 2021 Meeting Highlights:
The Legislature unanimously approved an agreement with the Department of Employment and Training to provide employment and training services through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to eligible, low income youth. This pilot program and agreement is 100% supported through federal monies and administered through the Capital Region Boys & Girls Club. It aims to reconnect approximately 30 WIOA eligible 16-24 olds to the workforce by offering job training via apprenticeships and certificate programs, teaching standards in job searching, entry level professionalism, and financial literacy. The recruits would also receive stipends to incentivize attendance and completion of program.
Health: Several fiscal year 2020 contracts needed amending due to increased expenses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Legislature also unanimously voted on a resolution to recognize April as National Donate Life Month. This resolution encourages everyone to register as an organ donor, as we all carry the potential to help save a life.
The Highway Department submitted several resolutions to purchase equipment and other necessary materials in order to be ready for the 2021 road improvement and maintenance program.
NEXT MEETING – Tuesday, April 13 2021 in the Rensselaer County Chambers located on the 3rd floor of the Ned Pattison Government Center, 1600 7th Avenue, Troy.
Residents are welcome to contact our office at 518 270-2890. & follow us on Facebook: “Rensselaer County Legislature – Democratic Team”