December 2018

 The following are highlights of the December meeting:

Health – The Minority office introduced a resolution urging state government to assist the County with the skyrocketing coroner and medical examiner costs.  As a mandate, counties are required to administer autopsies where necessary. Prior to 2011 these expenses were reimbursed at a rate of 36% by the NYS Department of Health. However, as these expenses were shifted to the Department of Justice Services, they are no longer reimbursed. The Legislature is requesting a reimbursement rate of 50%.

Human Resources – The County and the United Public Services Employees Union (UPSEU) have reached an agreement through December 31, 2022. This four year agreement includes a 1.75% wage increase for 2019 and 2020; and a 2% increase for 2021 and 2022.

Social Services – The December meeting included many contract renewals for mandated Social Services programs with local agencies to provide support services ranging from family assistance, foster care, domestic violence, trauma assessment, secure and non-secure juvenile detention including the new Raise The Age mandate to name a few.

Van Rensselaer Manor – The Legislature unanimously approved renewals of many contracts in order to keep the Manor running smoothly. As customary each year, legislators donated funds in order to present the Manor with a holiday gift. This year the Manor wished for a grill with accessories to use during their summer months for outdoor events. A presentation of the gift will be held on December 20.

NEXT MEETINGTuesday, January, 8, 2019, in the Rensselaer County Chambers located on the 3rd floor of the Ned Pattison Government Center, 1600 7th Avenue, Troy.

Residents are welcome to contact our office at 270-2890.    &    follow us on Facebook: “Rensselaer County Legislature – Democratic Team”