April 2020 Meeting Highlights:

COVID-19 is now an unfortunate part of our daily lives.  The April meeting of the Rensselaer County Legislature was held via teleconferencing with the Legislative leadership in attendance while the majority of the members attended via Zoom video meetings.

May is Mental Health Month in Rensselaer County and it is incumbent upon us to recognize the increase of calls regarding mental health issues during the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, we honor the dedication of our first responders, doctors, nurses and mental health professionals as they navigate through this epidemic. The COVID-19 virus has affected every aspect of their daily lives and has presented monumental and emotional challenges to them and their families, so it seems even more relevant to acknowledge the support our mental health professionals can offer to anyone feeling distressed and anxious, especially during these difficult times of social distancing. The Mental Health Department is available to all residents of Rensselaer County and can be reached at 518-270-2800 and responds 24/7.

The County also celebrates National Nurses Week from May 6 – 12, with the theme of “Compassion, Expertise, Trust”. Our nurses promise to provide safe and high quality care and to protect and preserve the public health system.  Now more than ever, these professionals are putting themselves on the line and in unavoidable danger to help patients affected with COVID-19.  As a legislative body, we praise their commitment and pray they stay protected.

We are grateful to our Rensselaer County Department of Health staff, who have accepted the challenge and are doing a fantastic job. Thank you!

In preparing for the future in Rensselaer County, the legislature unanimously approved a contract for the 10 week Summer Food Program, now in its 45th year, which runs from 6/29/20 to 9/4/20. This federally funded program offers breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack to close to 90,000 children.

NEXT MEETINGTuesday, May 12, 2020 in the Rensselaer County Chambers located on the 3rd floor of the Ned Pattison Government Center, 1600 7th Avenue, Troy.

Residents are welcome to contact our office at 270-2890.

www.rensselaercounty.org    &    follow us on Facebook: “Rensselaer County Legislature – Democratic Team”